Introducing Carolina Jimenez Sanchez

screen-shot-2016-10-31-at-12-39-27-pmIt is our great pleasure today to introduce Carolina Jimenez Sanchez as an IntLawGrrls contributor. Carolina is a lecturer on Public International Law and International Relations at the University of Malaga. She has a Masters in International Studies and the European Union from the University of Valencia.

In 2013, Carolina obtained her PhD with a thesis on gender and armed conflict. In 2015, she won the“Victoria Kent” International Research Award. She has carried out several international research fellowships at leading institutes, including the University of Cambridge, the Transitional Justice Institute at the University of Ulster (Northern Ireland) and the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). Carolina has also published books and papers in the field of gender and International Law. Two books that she recently published are about women and war: “Las mujeres en los conflictos armados: conflicto, proceso de paz y posconflicto” and “La dimensión de género en los Tribunales Penales Internacionales”.

Carolina’s first post examines the situation of woman as migrants and its relationship to human trafficking and forced prostitution. Heartfelt welcome!

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