ASIL seeks paper proposals for 4th Annual Research Forum, November in Chicago

asil_logoProposals are being sought for scholarly papers to be presented at the 4th Annual American Society of International Law Research Forum, set to take place during the Society’s Midyear Meeting, November 6 to 8 in Chicago. This year’s Research Forum Co-Chairs, Northwestern Political Science Professor Karen J. Alter (an IntLawGrrl) and Berkeley Law Professor Katerina Linos, write:

‘Papers can be on any topic related to international and transnational law and should be unpublished (for purposes of the call, publication to an electronic database such as SSRN is not considered publication). Interdisciplinary projects, empirical studies, and jointly authored papers are welcome.’

Interested scholars should submit abstracts of up to 1,000 words, using the online submission form, no later than June 8, 2014. Authors, whose papers will have been selected by a blind review process, will be notified by mid-July, and required to submit a draft paper 4 weeks before the Forum.

ASIL members interested in serving as discussants should e-mail

(Cross-posted from Diane Marie Amann)

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